Bloom Design Studio Offices - Shenzhen
SEONgon Offices - Hanoi
GeoEdge Cyber Protection Company Offices - Tel Aviv
HBO 办公室 - 圣保罗
Scottish Pacific Business Finance Offices - Sydney
Auerbach Halevy Architects Offices - Lod
Morphoza Showroom - Cluj-Napoca
Davis Furniture Offices - High Point
Liberty Latin America Offices - Panama City
Sodexo Offices - Montreal
Herrera y Asociados Offices - Valencia
Crocs Offices - Broomfield 办公室设计
Toyota Research Institute Offices - Los Altos
Amvest Offices - Amsterdam
芬兰坦佩雷MOW Supernova联合办公空间设计
办公设计:Studio 080共享办公室 - 仙台
Hindva Offices - Surat
51 Credit Card Offices - Hangzhou
纽约市Dock 72大楼的办公设计
Rocky Mountaineer Offices - Vancouver
Navent 办公室 - 布宜诺斯艾利斯
Temerty Foundation Offices - Toronto
NordEst Arquitectura Offices - Palau-sator
Convey Health Solutions 办公室 - 劳德代尔堡
Ippolito Fleitz Group Offices - Stuttgart
neXenio Offices - Berlin
IVC Group Offices - Waregem
Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP Offices - Winnipeg
Expensify 办公室 - 波特兰
BMW Bank Italia and Alphabet Italia Offices - Milan
ID Integrated Studio - Singapore
LDN:W Office Building - London
BE Meliorism Offices - Dubai
Osborne Clarke Offices - Amsterdam
Smith+Nephew 办公室 - 匹兹堡
PwC Offices - Birmingham
Ruhnn Culture Offices - Hangzhou
Riverbed Technology Offices - Cluj-Napoca
Hyundai Card Pixel Factory Offices - Seoul
Corazon Filmes Office - São Paulo
费城Land Collective办公室设计
Social Discovery Ventures / OraculeTang Space Coworking Offices - Riga
Aker BP Offices - Stavanger 办公室设计
AD Architecture Offices - Shantou
Akcelo Offices - Sydney
Element Materials Technology Offices - London
Accuracy Offices - Montreal
Ruffer Offices - London
Ramboll Offices - Hamburg
Grow Offices - Norfolk
Confidential International Gold Mining Corporation Offices - London
DTC Group Offices - Kolkata